Policy information and resources

State Policies:

  • WorkSource System – Policies that apply to the state’s WIOA (one-stop) system as a whole. (1000 Series)
  • Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) – Policies related to the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) grant.(2000 Series)
  • State and Federal COVID-19 Guidance - WorkSource Information Notices (WINs) and DOLETA FAQs that reflect state and federal guidance to address COVID-19 impacts on workforce programs.
  • State Programs - Policies related to non-federal, state-funded programs.
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance – (TAA) – Policies that provide state guidance on specific aspects of the TAA program, including approval of training, job search and relocation allowances, Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance, and Trade Readjustment Allowances. (3000 Series)
  • Veterans - Policies relating to services to veterans and their spouses, priority of service, and referrals of veterans with significant barriers to employment.(6000 Series)
  • Wagner-Peyser Employment Service – Policies related to WIOA Title III Wagner-Peyser Employment Services. (4000 Series)
  • WIOA Title I – Fiscal, administrative and program policies for WIOA Title I-B programs. (5000 Series)
  • WorkSource Information Notices (WINs) – that provide state guidance and information on topics related to DOL-funded WIOA (one-stop) programs.
  • ARCHIVED - State Policies and Guidance - Includes: WIOA Title I, WIA Title I-B and ARRA, WorkSource System, State Guidance. Trade Act, and Labor Exchange. 
  • Public Comment - Policies open for review as well as archived comments.