Employment Connections

Employment Connection division's field operations and service delivery is divided into Central Office in Olympia and five geographical regions. Each region is led by a director responsible for overseeing local WorkSource offices, their affiliates, co-locations and partnerships within the WorkSource system. Central Office staff administer the statewide programs and provide procedural information and support to the local offices. WorkSource offices manage staff members involved in service delivery to job seekers and employers, and collaborate with partners to provide services to our customers participating in a variety of programs, including:

  • Wagner-Peyser Title III
  • Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) 
  • Agricultural services
  • Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment  (RESEA)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
  • Veterans & Military Familiies (V&MF) services
  • WorkFirst

Meet the EC Strategic Leadership Team

Ismaila "Ish" Maidadi, Employment Connections director – ismaila.maidadi@esd.wa.gov

Alberto Isiordia, Employment Connections assistant director of operations – alberto.isiordia@esd.wa.gov

Craig Carroll, business operations manager craig.carroll@esd.wa.gov  

Anne Goranson, strategic initiatives manager – anne.goranson@esd.wa.gov

Sandy Crews, program operations manager – sandy.crews@esd.wa.gov

John Dickson, Eastern regional director – john.dickson@esd.wa.gov

Todd Wurl, Central regional director – todd.wurl@esd.wa.gov 

Joe Vansyckle, Southwest Coastal regional director – joe.vansyckle@esd.wa.gov

Norton Sweet, Central Sound regional director – norton.sweet@esd.wa.gov

Jessica Barr, North Sound regional director – jessica.barr@esd.wa.gov