Workforce system technology

The Information and Technology Division (ITSD) of the Employment Security Department (ESD) manages, develops, supports and maintains the agency’s computer systems, web technologies, network and data communications, its mainframe security and agency data. We also provide technical assistance for installation and operation of computers and software.

The ITSD WorkSource System Support (WSS) Team is integral to the successful administration of job seeker and employer services and re-employment services within ESD. We are responsible for the IT configuration, administration, analysis, training and support of technology used to support internal and external stakeholders within the  WorkSource line of business. 

Please use the links on the left to navigate to system information.

How do I report an issue with ETO or WorkSourceWA?

WorkSource system's announcements

Employment Security Department launched a method for communications about Unemployment Insurance, Businesses, Rulemaking and Policy, Labor Market and Performance Analysis, WorkSource and WDA Virtual Job Fairs, and other business news. Stay up to date and receive these announcements by subscribing to GovDelivery

Questions about the Technology tab?

Contact WorkSource Systems Support at with questions about the Workforce Professionals Center (WPC) Technology tab, content change requests, or updates.