This article describes how to submit a Remedy Ticket for ETO Support.
At this time, only employees with access to InsideESD may submit Remedy Tickets.
For partners without access, please call the Service Desk directly at 877-397-1212 

Important: If you are experiencing a work stoppage because of an issue with ETO, please call the Service Desk directly (877-397-1212) to report the issue.
Important: Please do not include any customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in your request; please use only Case Numbers to uniquely identify customers.

  1. Navigate to InsideESD
  2. Click on Computer and Phone Services

  3. Click service request online

  4. Click ETO Support

  5. Click Request Now
  6. Enter the required information for the ticket
    • All fields designated with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled-out before the ticket can be submitted
  7. Click Submit