Workforce Monitoring

The Workforce Monitoring Unit is the agency’s principal program monitor for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA), Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA) and Wagner-Peyser grant programs, and other contracts funded by WIOA Title I. It also performs annual onsite monitoring of each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) and other direct sub-recipients. This process fulfills ESD’s compliance-monitoring requirements under 2 CFR part 200 and satisfies Section 184 (a)(4) of WIOA, which require states to conduct an annual onsite monitoring of each local area.

The Workforce Monitoring Unit’s vision is for monitoring to be viewed as a multifaceted, collaborative activity directed at ensuring alignment of workforce programs to achieve program goals. At its best, workforce monitoring is a program identification and improvement process that brings federal, state and local partners together and links planning, program design, implementation, technical assistance and evaluation. 

Objectives of the Workforce Monitoring Unit include:

  • Support the integrated workforce development system that efficiently and effectively supports employers and job seekers.
  • Create and maintain quality processes that assure quality performance and conformance with federal, state and local requirements.
  • Constructively help organizations improve their performance by providing an "outside perspective" to identify risks, opportunities for improvement and contributing technical assistance.

Workforce Monitoring resources

Workforce Monitoring staff and contact information

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