DOL MSFW Reporting Requirements Documentation

For questions, concerns, or feedback please reach out to the Data Integrity (DI) team @

MSFW Dashboard Services Timeline

  • For the below MSFW Dashboard reports, a job seeker must receive, at least one (SAS), within the timeframe.  

  • This Services Timeline shows when/at what time a service is counted or a job seeker is listed, on the reports. 

MSFW Monitor Advocate Reports Reporting Requirements

  •  MSFW Monitor Advocate Status Report

    Using PIRL data, Data Integrity (DI) team staff replicated the OFFICIAL DOL Monitor Advocate Report. 

    This report gives Data Integrity (DI) team accountability staff the ability to monitor the Equity Ratio Indicators and the Minimum Service Level Indicators, of MSFWs vs. Non-MSFWs, by the 1-8 PIRL Buckets.

Data may be sliced by Reporting Cohort Timeline (by 1 Quarter or by Rolling 4-Quarters), by Statewide, by LWDB(s)/WDA(s), by Office(s), by Federal Grant(s), and by Designated Cohort(s) (Veterans and/or MSFWs).

  • OFFICIAL DOL Monitor Advocate Report

    Using PIRL dataDOL produces, maintains, and distributes the OFFICIAL DOL Monitoring Report, and it will be posted on this webpage, when it is available.

    This report officially measures the Equity Ratio Indicators and the Minimum Service Level Indicators, of MSFWs vs. Non-MSFWs, by the 1-8 PIRL Buckets.

    Note:  It is not just the MSFW Significant Offices that are held accountable, for the Equity Ratio Indicators and the Minimum Service Level Indicators, within the OFFICIAL DOL Monitor Advocate Report, BUT it is ALL OF WP (All Offices), of which is held accountable.

    The data is updated quarterly.

    DOL (Final Version) Equity Ratio Indicator and Minimum Service Level Indicator Monitor Advocate Report Walkthrough