Department of Labor (DOL) reports

General announcements

DOL Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) reports

DOL PIRL supporting documentation 

DOL Quarterly Performance Reports (QPRs) 

DOL PIRL dashboards 

DOL Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFWs) reports

DOL MSFW supporting documentation 

DOL MSFW report series 

DOL Trade Adjustment Assistance Data Integrity (TAADI) reports

DOL TAADI supporting documentation

DOL TAADI dashboard 

DOL PIRL Performance Measures' (PMs) reports

DOL PIRL PM supporting documentation 

DOL PIRL PM dashboards 

DOL Quarterly Report Analysis (QRAs) reports (aka PIRL Data Integrity reports)

DOL QRA supporting documentation

DOL QRA dashboards