General reporting page
To submit a work order please perform the following:
- For ESD Employees within the Workforce Services Division (formerly known as Emnployment Connections Division), this link will provide a work order submission ticket - Data Solutions Work Order System.
- For Non-ESD Employees or ESD Employees NOT within the Workforce Services Division (formerly known as Emnployment Connections Division), please contact us at
- For Emergency/Escalation Requests, please ensure that all instructions are followed for fastest response.
Current products
System Performance Dashboard - Provides data and analysis of the state’s WorkSource system. This dashboard shows WIOA Figures based on the Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) Case Management System.
Supply and Demand Report - The labor market supply and demand report provides a gap analysis for detailed occupations along with comparisons of online job postings and Employment Security Department data on unemployment insurance (UI) claimants. On the interactive Tableau report, the "Supply and Demand" tab shows report tables categorized by the latest months UI claimant and Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) data by occupation (O*NET/SOC Codes) at the two- and three-digit level.
Facts and Figures Report - The Facts and Figures Report is prepared monthly and posted after the county press release as a quick reference for employees, legislators, partners and others who may be interested.
What is included in the Facts and Figures?
- Unemployment rates
- Monthly job growth or loss
- Data for unemployment claims and benefits
- Long-term unemployed data
- Average wage/minimum wage
- Unemployment taxes/trust fund
- WorkSource services
- ESD employee data
- Toll-free numbers to resources for UI claimants, employers, job seekers and more