DOL MSG Completion Rate PM

For questions, concerns, or feedback please reach out to the Data Integrity (DI) team @


The Participant Individualized Record Layout (PIRL) report captures activities and performance within the Workforce (WorkSource) system.  It is the tool, which states use to communicate such activities and outcomes to the Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA or ETA for short).   

The Department of Labor describes why it is so important to report performance:

“The public workforce development system provides resources, services, and tools to support individuals and businesses in developing and maintaining a workforce to support a thriving economy throughout the nation. Given the critical importance of this system, its performance at the local, state, and federal levels is vitally important. Consistent, accurate performance reporting allows the workforce system to assess its effectiveness, make data-informed improvements, be accountable to taxpayers, and, ultimately, support vibrant communities, businesses, and families throughout the nation.”

Purpose and DOL Definition

The purpose of the DOL Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Performance Measure is to track and measure important milestones for WIOA clients, as they work towards completion of their individual programs.

This DOL Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Performance Measure is defined by DOL as:

“The percentage of program participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving Measurable Skill Gains, defined as documented academic, technical, occupational, or other forms of progress, towards such a credential or employment. Depending on the type of education or training program, documented progress is defined as one of the following:

  • Documented achievement of at least one educational functioning level of a participant who is receiving instruction below the postsecondary education level; or

  • Documented attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; or

  • Secondary or postsecondary transcript or report card for a sufficient number of credit hours that shows a participant is meeting the State unit's academic standards; or

  • Satisfactory or better progress report, towards established milestones, such as completion of OJT or completion of one year of an apprenticeship program or similar milestones, from an employer or training provider who is providing training; or

  • Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams.” 

Accountable DOL WorkSource Programs

The following DOL WorkSouce programs are held accountable, for the DOL Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Performance Measure:

  • Title Ib Adult (AD)

  • Title Ib Dislocated Worker (DW) (Including the Rapid Response (RR) Program)

  • Title Ib Youth (Y)

  • National Dislocated Worker Grants (NDWG)

  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)


For this dashboard, on all of its reports, we have allowed the ability to select data, for any of the programs accountable for ESD, on the PIRL, because there is data for all of those programs, in our dashboard.  Even though not all of the programs, on the PIRL, are being held accountable for the DOL Measurable Skill Gains Completion Rate, by DOL, there is data that is being input into ETO, that causes the job seekers to be in the DOL Measurable Skill Gains Completion Rate cohort, so we allowed you to see the data, in case program staff would like to review it.

See DOL PIRL PM supporting documentation, for DOL’s official guidance/laws, regarding information/statutory laws, for all of the DOL Performance Measures, which are deciphered, defined, and maintained by DOL, and of which WA State is held accountable by DOL, on the PIRL.

  • Important Note:  The DI Team does NOT define nor create any of the definitions/calculations for the new DOL QRAs (QRA Calculations), or any of the DOL Performance Measures (QPR Calculations), on the PIRL, or any other Federal report or performance measure calculations (Like the UNTEER employment rate) you may have access to.  DOL deciphers, defines, and maintains the “what” the “why” and the “how” for those definitions/calculations, at the Federal level, within their DOL official guidance/laws, for all of the 50 states and the territories.  DOL provides the 50 states and the territories with pseudo code, in order to replicate the definitions, numbers, and percentages.  The DI Team only provides visuals for you.  As to why those numbers and percentages sometimes seem to be in conflict with each other (They all use the same data set, the PIRL), will also be defined, within DOL’s official guidance/laws, of which the DI Team always provides, with our dashboards.


Dashboard Supporting Documentation