DOL PIRL supporting documentation 

For questions, concerns, or feedback please reach out to the Data Integrity (DI) team @

The Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) is a federal Department of Labor (DOL) mandated reporting layout that provides a standardized set of data elements, definitions and reporting instructions that are used to describe the characteristics, activities and outcomes of WIOA participants. The PIRL provides a framework to help the public workforce development system meet federal-reporting requirements while ensuring consistency and comparability across grantees and programs.

DOL PIRL Specifications Layout

DOL PIRL Reporting Online Resource (Revised Dec 2021)

  • The PIRL Reporting Online Resource, which is designed to support grantees in successfully understanding, preparing, and submitting the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) reports (ETA-9172). The PIRL provides a framework to help the public workforce development system meet federal reporting requirements while ensuring consistency and comparability across grantees and programs.

  • This Resource leverages existing ETA reporting guidance, and technical assistance tools. It is designed for both novices and more experienced grantee data and performance specialists and is organized to introduce less experienced staff to the concepts and specifics of reporting, but with easily identifiable sections allowing experienced staff to quickly navigate to specific information as needed. An e-learning module is available to introduce newer data and performance staff to the full Resource. A video is also available to walk newer and experienced data and performance staff through the process of uploading performance reports with the Workforce Integrated Performance System (WIPS).

  • The Resource focuses on the programs included in the DOL-only PIRL (ETA-9172), including DOL programs authorized in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

    PIRL Reporting Online Resource 3.0 (Revised Dec 2021)

Data Integrity (DI) Team DOL PIRL reporting presentation

DOL PIRL reporting cohorts and reporting timeline