Supply Demand
The labor market supply demand report provides a gap analysis for detailed occupations along with comparisons of online job postings and Employment Security Department data on unemployment insurance (UI) claimants. On the interactive Tableau report, the "Supply and Demand" tab shows report tables categorized by the latest months UI claimant and Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) data by occupation (O*NET/SOC Codes) at the two- and three-digit level. The contract between Help Wanted OnLine and Employment Security does not allow this job posting data to be disaggregated to an individual county level unless the Workforce Development Area (WDA) is solely constituted of one county. The supply demand report reflects this by allowing the user to select a WDA but not an individual counties.
The tables display the number of online postings in the month compared to the number of UI claimants. Claimants are categorized by the occupation they are claiming against. For those interested in performing additional analysis using the Supply Demand data, we have also uploaded the data tables the report is built on.
Supply Demand Report Excel File
Supply Demand Report Data Tables