DOL Veterans' Priority of Service QRA

For questions, concerns, or feedback please reach out to the Data Integrity (DI) team @


The purpose of this QRA is to ensure that Veterans receive an adequate level of service, and ensures that our Veterans are being served, as a priority population.

CAVEAT:  The issue with Veteran data, and it not being fully populated, in ETO, may affect how the PIRL picks up "DOL Eligible Veterans (DOL Definition)" job seekers for this DOL Veterans’ Priority of Service QRA.  Meaning, incomplete Veteran job seekers, in ETO, may be being counted on the PIRL, as a “No”, for the Veteran Status, on the PIRL, depending on what is missing. The incomplete Veteran job seeker records need to be completed, in ETO, in order to ensure that the PIRL is identifying those job seeker, as a Veteran, on the PIRL.

This QRA is defined as the percentage of "DOL Eligible Veterans (DOL Definition)" participants (Includes Veteran spouses), who exited within the time frame of the report without an Other Reason for Exit, AND who received an Individualized Career service or a Training service.

See QRA Background and Purpose section, on the DOL QRA supporting documentation website, for more information, regarding the QRA Pilot stage (Monitoring vs. Accountable).

The following WorkSouce DOL programs are being monitored, by DOL, for the Veterans’ Priority of Service QRA:

  • WIOA Title III Wagner-Peyser (WP), for all "DOL Eligible Veterans (DOL Definition)".

  • Note: By law, it is required that all Veterans receive Veterans’ Priority of Service.

Important Note:  The DI Team does NOT define nor create any of the definitions/calculations for the new DOL QRAs (QRA Calculations), or any of the DOL Performance Measures (QPR Calculations), on the PIRL, or any other Federal report or performance measure calculations (Like the UNTEER employment rate) you may have access to.  DOL deciphers, defines, and maintains the “what” the “why” and the “how” for those definitions/calculations, at the Federal level, within their DOL official guidance/laws, for all of the 50 states and the territories.  DOL provides the 50 states and the territories with pseudo code, in order to replicate the definitions, numbers, and percentages.  The DI Team only provides visuals, for you.  As to why those numbers and percentages sometimes seem to be in conflict with each other (They all use the same data set, the PIRL), will also be defined, within DOL’s official guidance/laws, of which the DI Team always provides, with our dashboards. 


Dashboard Supporting Documentation