WDA data-sharing request information
Data Sharing Requests
In the course of administering unemployment-insurance programs and benefits, we collect information from individuals, employers and WorkSource service providers. Some of that information is public; most is confidential. Information that identifies a person or an employer is protected by Employment Security, in accordance with stringent state and federal laws. Those laws allow us to release some confidential information if the request or requester meets specific requirements.
Who may be eligible to receive confidential data and information?
• Local, state or federal public officials.
• Local, state or federal governmental agencies for official purposes (20 CFR 603) (RCWs 50.13, 50.38, 39.34, 9.94A.760)
• WorkSource One-Stop partners who have signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the One-Stop Delivery System (RCW, 20 CFR 678)
• Private contractors/researchers hired by U.S. Department of Labor to evaluate federal Office of Management and Budget approved unemployment-insurance or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs.
How to request confidential information
• Complete and submit the online request form.
• We will send you an email notification as soon as we receive your request. The email will contain the information you entered into the form.
• We will then review your request to determine if we may legally release the information.
• If denied, within 30 business days, we will send you an email letting you know.
If you have any questions about this tracker or the status of your data sharing request, please contact DataSharingSupport@ESD.WA.GOV for assistance.
Contracts are legally binding and spell out the conditions for using data and the penalties and costs [20 CFR 603; RCW 50.13; TEGL 39-11] for disclosing it, whether intentional or unintentional. Recipients of confidential information will be responsible for reimbursing all costs arising from violations of the term and conditions, including but not limited to investigation, prosecution and costs incurred by the department for resolving customer complaints resulting from the violation.