ETO Training Resources 

WDA contacts, trainers, program operators and specialists

WDA Contacts-Trainers-Program Operators - Contains WDA/WDC contacts, WDA Offices, Employment Connections Program Operators and Support Specialists, One-Stop Operators, Data Corrections Contacts. Each WDA is listed by area and includes contact information for their local trainers, program subject matter experts, and One Stop Operators. Please contact the WSS Team with changes to this form at


ETO Training accounts are available in the ETO Training environment, for trainers to use while training staff. Follow the instructions in this desk aid on how to request training accounts.


ETO basic and refresher training

In July 2022, ETO basic training transitioned from a 3-hour live training session to 3 recorded training modules. The video series contain the same material covered in the live trainings previously provided by the WorkSource Systems trainer. ETO basic trainings are designed for new users to gain access to the customer case management system in accordance with ESD policy requirements, as well as to allow on-demand access to the training material for all staff.

The modules cover ETO basic functionality, Workforce Professional Center (WPC) resources, and an overview of the WorkSourceWA labor exchange to assist staff in case management and business service delivery.

The training modules do not cover policies, procedures, or program specifics. Program specific training is provided by program operators and specialists, supervisors, leads, and program subject matter expert at your local office.


ETO basic or refresher training agenda

ETO Basic training Module 1 is an overview of the WPC tabs covering workforce-development data, resources, policies, and events across Washington state. 

ETO Basic training Module 2 details training resources for ETO, WSWA,  and important technology resources. (NOTE: disregard the training on the Qtrac scheduler as this resource sunsetted January 31,2023.)

ETO Basic training Module 3 covers the ETO services catalog, and overview of ETO functionality, and resources found on the WSWA job board.

ETO Staff User Guide this desk aid covers ETO functionality and includes hands on exercises. It compliments ETO basic training module 3.


After watching the 3 training videos, take the ETO Basic Training Knowledge Review  to test what you learned from the online trainings. Submit the test to your supervisor to demonstrate you completed the required trainings. Supervisors and trainers can request the answer key by sending an email to


ETO full registration training

This training is essential to understanding the requirements for capturing all data elements needed for a full/complete job seeker registration. This training should be completed along with the ETO Basic Training.

ETO Job Seeker Full Registration training

ETO Job Seeker Full Registration Desk Aid

Checklist for ETO Create a Record


Case management training
Other training

This category will contain trainings not related to case mangement or business services