T12 2022 meeting minutes
- 12/28/2022 No meeting
- 12/20/2022 No meeting
- 12/14/2022 Change to the ITSS services and Follow-Up TP. Discussion begins at 5 minutes and ends at 20 minutes in recording; Zoom video conferencing service going live 12/13/22 for ESD staff who have been granted a license. meeting recording
- 12/07/2022 Bug fix on ITSS TP requiring adding an active PE; EcSA State funded Serivces TP bug fixed to retain values when editing; Zoom video conferencing service going live 12/13/22 for ESD staff who have been granted a license; General Information dashboard preventing all detail TP's from populating and how to fix it; discussion on merging employer accounts - full details in recording at around 25 minute mark. meeting recording
- 12/01/2022 No meeting
- 11/23/2022 No meeting
- 11/16/2022 Zoom for ESD employee's training session 11-16-22 postponed until end of month. meeting recording
- 11/09/2022 New ETO program enrollment ‘QUEST NDWG’ goes live 11-10-22, WIN0132 provides guidance; Zoom for ESD employee's training session 11-16-22. meeting recording
- 11/02-2022 New program enrollment in ETO called ‘QUEST NDWG’; Zoom for ESD employee's coming mid-November, 2 training sessions available. meeting recording
- 10/26/2022 New desk aids published on WPC; new desk aid on how to request training accounts and discussion on how trainers can use them; overview of old business, how to submit remedy tickets, assist job seeker in attacks by fraudulent employers, submitting requests for offices changes to update the WorkSourceWA.com locator. meeting recording
- 10/19/2022 Velaro maintenance 10-21-22; refresher on how to submit remedy tickets, ETO Basic training, employer fraud. meeting recording
- 10/12/2022 Showcased new documents on WPC>Technology>Case management and WSWA pages; CASAS link on the Test and Results TP now connected to DOL site; ETO engage issue, not created a TP for all communications. meeting recording
- 10/05/2022 Issue with WSWA to ETO API interfacing new seeker data creating missing elements in Veteran participant record. meeting recording
- 9/28/2022 Velaro maintenance 9-30-22; staff created record English and Spanish registration forms; review of the WPC changes. meeting recording
- 9/21/2022 No meeting
- 9/14/2022 Deactivate 2 services; updated WIN0077 (Rev14) and Services Catalog that includes the new State Funded EcSA services. meeting recording
- 9/07/2022 Velaro maintenance 9/9/22; EcSA State Funded services post future dating locked down; updates to ITSS and Follow-up TPs and deactivation of 2 services now in ETO training environment; LinkedIn Learning special licenses extended. Presentation started at 6:53 in the recording; new Live chat feature on WSWA for the WA Services for the Blind. meeting recording
- 8/31/2022 WSWA resume search licenses extended; ETO Basic Training Knowledge test posted to WPC; taking a group basic service TP deskaid posted to WPC; WSWA advanced search error resolved; Updates to ITSS and Follow-up TPS, deactivation of services and update to Services Catalog coming 9/14/22. meeting recording
- 8/24/2022 Adding WIOA Eligibility Application 'type' to the 'Review seeker/participant TP screen; discussion about the ETO basic training knowledge review test; reminder Zoom is coming and training opportunities. meeting recording
- 8/17/2022 Changes to the ETO training resources page; reminder for when ETO reports are not running as expected due to pop-up blockers; RESEA/RAS security update release; Why are we moving to Zoom?; WSWA employer resume search feature expires at 5-years and how to extend license; using WorkSource Webex white boards for other platforms; how to move staff's ETO access from one agency to another. meeting recording
- 8/10/2022 Demo on refreshing report menu and pop-up blockers; WSWA resume search has 5-year expiration; outstanding ticket review; report out on RESEA/RAS texting solution launch; Zoom is coming soon. meeting recording
- 8/03/2022 RESEA/RAS texting solution live 8/1/22, first tests sent 8/5/22; Zoom coming soon; discussion on T12 meeting cadence and changes to the overall WPC look. meeting recording
- 7/27/2022 Added a 'Service' column to the State Funded Services TP so staff can easliy see which TP was taken; RESEA/RAS texting solution going live 8/1/22 demo Powerpoint and invitation letter; EcSA State Funded Services not included in the Services Catalog at this time; Zoom coming soon! meeting recording
- 7/20/2022 Career Connect Washington, CCWA, program enrollment removed from ETO, updated services catalog and WIN0077 change 13; WaTech update to SAW certification planned for July 27th @7:30, will cause the RESEA scheduler to be down 5 minutes; TAA program changes; Suicide hotline now available by dialing 988; tips for a better WSWA experience for employers and job seekers. meeting recording
- 7/13/2022 New ETO basic training video series on WPC; changes to the training environment and training accounts; WIN0129 EcSA program changes; WSWA career profile tool restored; request for ideas for business services rerfresher trainings. meeting recording
- 7/06/2022 No meeting
- 6/29/2022 No meeting
- 6/22/2022 Unable to save TPs without changing date; ETO Basic training moving to recorded video's in July, will be posted on the WPC site soon. meeting recording
- 6/15/2022 No meeting
- 6/08/2022 New message on the WSWA seeker upload page in English and Spanish; IE sunsets today at 5pm, desk aids on WPC; WSWA employer login issue since implementing MFA; ticket review. meeting recording
- 6/01/2022 IE Sunsetting 6/8/22; ETO Basic training will continue for the month of June; ticket review. meeting recording
- 5/25/2022 No meeting
- 5/18/2022 ETO monthly maintenance; discussion on ETO basic training transitioning to video training vs live; alternative way to take TPs when participant dashboard is down; open ticket review; submitting WIT replacement suggestions; ETO/WSWA caching issues when using Chrome. meeting recording
- 5/11/2022 Change to Homeless Veteran grant program number; pending ticket review; IE sunsetting 6/15/22, time to move to Edge or Chrome. meeting recording
- 5/04/2022 Update on MFA launch; ticket review; discussion on staff created ETO participant records, also known as CAR (Create a REcord), overview of desk aids and video training resources. meeting recording
- 4/27/2022 Update on MFA launch; Policy 5617, rev. 2 requirement to co-enroll TAA/DW participants; System exit causes; IE sunsetting 6/15/2022; ticket updates. meeting recording
- 4/20/2022 Added 'Live Chat' as method of contact for employer services; ITS Services left in draft mode; MFA go live 4/26/22; Where to find definitions of business services; Who can and how do to update employer information on WSWA. meeting recording
- 4/13/2022 SAW maintenance 4/19/22; Velaro maintenance 4/15/22; Qtrac bug fix 4/13/22; new Basic and ITT services including revision WIN0077 Services Catalog; open JIRA ticket discussion including issues with Case History report and widget. meeting recording
- 4/06/2022 SAW maintenance 4/19/22; ETO access service level agreement and process of notifying new users of account availability; new Basic and ITT services including revision of WIN0077 Services Catalog. meeting recording
- 3/30/2022 New employer accounts disruption; issue with Qtrac and WorkSource Locator not working as expected; continuation of case note reports enhancement; MFA for employers delayed to 4/26/22; discussion on RESEA dashboard accessability; benefits of adding participants to your local office; ETO access service level agreement and process of notifying new users of account availability; discussion on monitoring issue for Title l & lll WIOA Eligibility Application, possible new report, process of PE, how do you know which app is attached to a PE. meeting recording
- 3/23/2022 Velaro maintenance 3/25/22; discussion on the bug and resolution for the missing elements when printing outcomes, program completion TP; discussion on RESEA dashboard accessability; MFA demo, PowerPoint, Whats to Expect and Video presentation. meeting recording
- 3/15/2022 MFA go-live date changed to 3/30; discussion on adding 'Draft' to the PE dashboard; new on WPC - Create a Record video and WDA contacts list; pdate on employer fraud in WSWA; discussion on how what to do with old open durational services. meeting recording
- 3/9/2022 MFA go-live date changed to 3/30; RESEA enhancments to TPS; discussion on adding 'Draft' to the PE dashboard; report enhancments; update on employer fraud in WSWA. meeting recording
- 3/02/2022 Demo future enhancements to case note reports; discussion on future refresher trainings; work around to save WIOA eligibility app; discussion on Youthbuild exits; searching for recruiters new to WSWA. meeting recording
- 2/23/2022 Process for requesting duplicate accounts merged; employer fraud and protecting job seekers from employment scams. meeting recording
- 2/16/2022 Employer fraud activity on WSWA; protecting job seekers by not asking them to email forms containing personal identity information; process for requesting ETO training accounts; meeting recording
- 2/09/2022 Velaro maintenance 2/11/22; Adding full names of the UI types on the WIOA eligibility application employment tab; updated the General Information dashboard to increase the number of TPs from 5 to 6 to populate there; WSWA employer landing page error message fixed, employers will no longer land on the MGS paid page; reveiwed clearing cache, editing participant records, adding participants into your office and where to find the supporting desk aids; Discussion on increased activity with fraudulent employers contacting WSWA job seekers; reviewed the process oon how to request ETO training accounts. meeting recording
- 2/02/2022 ETO maintenance 2/3/22; New PE PacMtn Opioid NDWG PY21-23; archived/changes to WIN's on the WPC; demo on clearing cache, editing participant records, adding participants into your office; Discussion on where to edit demographics, ETO or WSWA?Dicussion on potential changes to the General Information dashboard; Discussion on staff adding a new participant into ETO vs job seeker creating WSWA account; Employer fraud scams with WSWA job seekers. meeting recording
- 1/26/2022 TAA payment detail TP fix in production; Added 'Job ID#' column to job postings; Work around for reported issues printing from Case Note History widget; 'Method of Contact' discussion; 'My Caseload' feature vs Case Manager TP discussion. meeting recording
- 1/19/2022 Velaro maintenance; cleaning up the General Information dashboard; job posting language that delays job postings 24 hours before going live; tips on finding employer/recruiter accounts; What do the UI acronyms on the WIOA Eligibility Application mean. meeting recording
- 1/12/2022 Updated checklist of things to do before submitting a serve request and New ETO report pop-up blocker desk aids; help with data corrections; discussion on adding new column for Basic Service descripter. meeting recording
- 1/05/2022 New on WPC site, Create a Record Powerpoint and video presentation, overview on process including tools to create the record; adding/removing members to the T12 team; ETO basic training now 3 hours and schedule added to Staff Development Calendar; Data correction discussion including resourses. meeting recording