ETO Report Enhancements

NEW -- There is an upgrade effective 4/17/2023, which affects ETO report. Please see the summary of changes in this PowerPoint that was reviewed at the 4/5 T12 meeting.

Below are the various categories of ETO reports. Click on the + to expand a category for a list of reports we've already completed work on, including what category the report used to be and where it moved to. If you have questions, please email the WorkSource System Support Team 


Report Date Change(s)
Missing Demographics Report - WIT Interface 6/27/2023 NEW report to assist in identifying missing data on 4 required TPs
Missing Demographics Report - UI Interface 6/27/2023 NEW report to assist in identifying missing data on 4 required TPs
Non Disclosure Update 11/3/2021 Report started to timeout; modified lookback date to 1/1/2020 instead of 7/2016
Staff Created Participants 8/10/20211 Had to combine 'Complete' and 'Incomplete' on one tab in order to correct bad opt-out logic
Staff Created Participants 7/20/2021 Corrected logic to display 'service date' and 'service recorded' data
Staff Account Details 7/9/2021 Moved here from the 'Operational Reports' category
UniqueProgramEnrollmentNames 7/9/2021 Moved here from the 'Operational Reports' category
Staff Created Participants 6/23/2021 NEW--created to monitor staff created participants
Enabled User Greater Than 90 Days and Less than 90 Days Since Login 3/10/2021 Added new report logic on new tab to include users logged in between 89-60 days; modified initial prompt by WDA instead of Office; modified report name and description
Login Report 3/9/2021 Moved to 'Uncategorized' category; report only available to Enterprise and Site Managers

Employer & Job Posting Reports

Report Date Change(s)
Staff Provided Business Services 5/1/2023 Added 'Contact Method' column
Job Postings Report 11/4/2021 Modified so all roles can see report
Job Postings Report 10/6/2021 NEW report to combine 3 separate job postings reports
New to WorksourceWA-Employers 9/14/2021 Change report name so will be next to recruiter report on list

New to WorksourceWA-Recruiters

9/14/2021 Change report name so will be next to employer report on list

Job Match Activity

6/8/2021 Added initial date range prompt so report wouldn't pull 2016 data; relocated to Employer & Job Posting Reports category

Business Services

1/11/2021 Removed report

Business Services

12/8/2020 Added initial prompts for WDA, Office, start/end date range; Office is an optional field

Business Services

11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘My Reports’ category

Staff Provided Business Services


Added new columns -- Identifier field

Employer Events & Rapid Response

Report Date Change(s)
Employer Events 11/5/2020 NEW—created new report for the ‘Employer Events’ TouchPoint

Job Seekers

Report Date Change(s)
Seekers Served--Basic Services 12/1/2021  Added 3 new columns - Method of Contact, Other Program and Daily New Hire
All Seeker Services History 7/9/2021 Updated description; added 'History' to report name; and made report available to all staff
Services Planned End Date 3/9/2021 Deleted report; reported out at 2/24 T12 meeting this is no longer used
Participants New to ETO 2/23/2021 Updated report logic to pull based on date demographic details TP created; report identifies how profile created by either staff, WSWA (WIT Integration) or UTAB (UI Interface)
Seekers Served--Basic Services 12/14/2020 NEW--created new report to list seekers receiving only basic services listed in the service catalog

Local Reporter Data

Report Date Change(s)
Program Enrollment Report – With Demographic Details ORIGINAL report 10/18/2023 Unique Enrollment ID was not populating – Now fixed
Local Reporter Services Report 7/26/2023 Removed Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Local Reporter Services Report 6/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Program Enrollment Outcomes 6/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Services Report - Demographics 10/21/2022 Updated to add WDC prompt, and two new columns - Office and Veteran
Individualized Training and Support Services TPs 6/28/2022 Deleted 'Daily New Hire' column
Individualized Training and Support Services TPs 12/22/2021 Added 'Daily New Hire' and 'Method of Contact' columns
Common Measures Exits 11/10/2021 NEW--created new report for program enrollments with system exit date on or after specified date
Individualized Training and Support Services TPs 10/6/2021 Added 'Date Last Updated' column
Outcomes TPs based on Completion Date Value 9/14/2021 Removed In Youth Program and Program Category columns; moved Opted-Out column after Case Number column
Individualized Training and Support Services TPs 8/23/2021 Added 'Office' as optional prompt
Program Enrollment Outcomes 8/23/2021 Added 'Office' as optional prompt
Program Enrollment Outcomes 8/12/2021 Added email, phone & preferred contact method; deleted 3 unused columns
Chronological Seeker Services 7/9/2021 Deleted report; duplicate of All Seeker Services History report under 'Job Seekers' category
Follow Up TouchPoints 5/25/2021 Deleted columns = SSN, Link to Seeker Dashboard, SKIES Seeker ID; also made available to PM role.
Individualized Training and Support Services TPs 5/25/2021 Deleted column = SKIES ID; also made available to PM role.
Local Reporter Services Report 5/25/2021 Deleted columns = SSN, SKIES Seeker ID; also made available to PM role.
Outcomes TPs based on Completion Date Value 5/25/2021 Made available to PM role.
Program Enrollment Outcomes 5/25/2021 Made available to PM role.
Program Enrollment TPs and Attached Services 5/25/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column to both tabs; also made available to PM role.
Program Enrollments - Enrollment End Date, Exit Date, Completion Date 5/25/2021 Added columns = Seeker Name and Is opted-out; deleted column =  Link to Seeker Dashboard; also made available to PM role.
Services Report - Demographics 5/25/2021 Deleted column = SKIES ID; also made available to PM role.
Outcomes TPs based on Completion Date Value 5/5/2021 Corrected 'Opted-Out' logic; deleted SKIES Seeker ID, Link to Seeker Dashboard and SSN columns
Program Enrollment Outcomes 4/27/2021 Added 'Is Opted-Out' column and removed 'SKIES Seeker ID' column; deleted SSN column
Program Enrollment Outcomes 10/28/2020 Added new column--Annualized Wage; removed Link to Seeker Dashboard; and updated report description

Local Reporter Services Report


Added new columns--TP Created By and TP Last Updated By

Case Management Report – test 3-17-2017


Deleted report


Report Date Change(s)
Active MSFWs


Updated to reorder columns & updated business rules to only display participants with questions answered on NEW tab of MSFW Details TP; also added 'Office' to the initial prompt
Active MSFWs 9/29/2020 Added new columns--Phone Number, Email Address, Preferred Contact Method, Is Opted-Out
MSFW Job Referrals on H2A and H2B Jobs 9/16/2020 Added initial prompt for start/end date range; added report description; also included headers on 'raw data' tab to indicate where data is pulled from

Operational Reports

Report Date Change(s)
State Funded Services Report 10/18/2023 Add field to report: “Did the participant successfully pass an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams” (Yes/No question)
Measurable skill gains 10/18/2023 Add field to report: Last Updated By
Demographic and Veteran Details ORIGINAL report 10/18/2023 Add field to report: Household Income greater than 200% FPL
Program Enrollment with Limited Demographic Details report 10/18/2023 Household Income Greater than 200% of Federal Poverty Level is displaying Yes on reports when the response in ETO is No or blank. – Now fixed
State Funded Services 7/26/2023 Added 'Type of Resource' and 'Other Resource' columns
State Funded Services - Participant Level 7/26/2023 Added 'Participant Name' and 'Opted-out' columns
Program Enrollment Report With Demographic Details-ORIGINAL 7/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Program Enrollment Report With Limited Demographic Details 7/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Outcomes TouchPoints with Employment Start Date Information 7/26/2023 Removed Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
State Funded Services 7/3/2023 Added 'Date TP Entered' column
Outcomes TouchPoints with Employment Start Date Information 6/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Program Enrollment Report Without Demographic Details 6/26/2023 Added Federal EcSA 200% FPL household income column
Activity Log - WSWA Report 6/26/2023 Added new 'date submitted' column and updated report logic
Case Notes -(no WIT Integration) 6/15/2023 Added case notes recorded on the State Funded Services TP
Seekers Served by Office 5/1/2023 Corrected filter with offices displaying under WDA
Seekers Served by Office-ORIGINAL 5/1/2023 Corrected filter with offices displaying under WDA
Activity Log - Participant Counts 5/1/2023 NEW--created for WorkFirst program operator and specialists
Activity Log - WSWA Report 5/1/2023 NEW--created for WorkFirst program staff to manage workload
My Caseload 3/20/2023 NEW--created to manage and track staff caseload
My Current Caseload User Filter 3/20/2023 NEW--created for staff to view their individual caseload
State Funded Services - Participant Level 2/7/2023 NEW--created new report for days since last state-funded service for clients with active enrollment in program selected
State Funded Services 1/26/2023 NEW--created new report for State-Funded Services linked with the selected program of enrollment and area
Case Notes 4.0-Only Basic Services 3/7/2022 Added 'Identifier' and 'Service Provided' columns
Case Notes 4.0 (No WIT Integration) 3/7/2022 Added 'Identifier' and 'Service Provided' columns; removed OPTIMIZED from report name
Case Notes 4.0-No Basic Services Included 3/7/2022 Added 'Identifier' and 'Service Provided' columns
Case Notes 4.0 (No WIT Integration) OPTIMIZED 3/1/2022 Added ‘Identifier’ column
Case Notes 4.0-No Basic Services Included 3/1/2022 Added ‘Identifier’ column
Case Management 'Staff Work' Report 1/11/2022 NEW--created new report for services linked to Program Enrollment, including a column of the most recent durational service Last Updated Date.
Program Enrollment Report with Demographic and Veteran Details-Limited 10/21/2021 Updated report logic so report won't timeout
Program Enrollment Report - Demographic and Veteran Details-ORIGINAL 10/21/2021 Updated report logic so report won't timeout
Program Enrollment Report with Limited Demographic and Veteran Details 9/27/2021 NEW--created new report with limited demographic & veteran details
Program Enrollment Report - Demographic and Veteran Details-ORIGINAL 9/27/2021 Added ORIGINAL to report name since new report created
Seekers Served by Office 9/14/2021 Removed 8/27/2021 from report name
Seekers Served by Office - ORIGINAL 9/14/2021 Added ORIGINAL to report name since new report created
Seekers Served by Office 8/27/2021 8/30/2021 Added WDA filter; built new version since old version kept timing out
Program Enrollment Report - With Demographic and Veteran Details 8/23/2021 Added 'Office' as optional prompt
Measurable Skills Gains 8/23/2021 Added 'Office' as optional prompt
Staff Account Details 7/9/2021 Moved to the 'Administrative' category
UniqueProgramEnrollmentNames 7/9/2021 Moved to the 'Administrative' category
Case Management "Other Program" Report 6/8/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column
Data Entry Issue - Basic Services Late Entry 6/8/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column
Data Entry Issue - Individualized/Training Services Late Entry 6/8/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column
Program Enrollment Exists Outcomes Wages 6/8/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column
Outcomes Touchpoints With Employment Start Date Information 6/8/2021 Added 'Is opted-out' column and deleted SSN column
Open Durational Services 6/8/2021 Corrected 'opt-out' logic
Job Match Activity 6/8/2021 Added initial date range prompt so report wouldn't pull 2016 data; relocated to Employer & Job Posting Reports category
Seekers Served by State/Area 6/8/2021 Removed 2016-2017 default date logic
Case Managment Report 5/13/2021 Added 'Is Opted-Out' and 'Date Most Recent Duration Service Last Updated' columns; deleted 'Participant Site Identifier' column
Measurable Skills Gains-NEW 5/5/2021 Combined 3 Program Enrollment columns all into one column
Measurable Skills Gains-NEW 5/3/2021 Copy/paste of existing MSG report; changed date logic to an OR format to include not only 'date touchpoint taken', but also any of the following dates within the specified date range:
*Test date
*Date of report card or transcript
*Date of progress report
*Date TP taken
Program Enrollment Report - With Demographic Details ORIGINAL 3/1/2021 Removed unused columns from report
Program Enrollment Report Without Demographic Details 3/1/2021 NEW; super-slimmed down version without demographic details
Program Enrollment Report With Limited Demographic Details 3/1/2021 NEW; slimmed-down version with limited demographic details
Open Durational Services 2/18/2021 Added new column for most recent date TP updated
Case Management Report 2/9/2021 Moved 'Days' columns for Last Completed Services columns and added 'Days' columns for Most Recent Duration Service' columns
Program Enrollment report - With Demographic Details 2/3/2021 Corrected report logic to fix time out issues
Open Durational Services 1/28/2021 NEW--Created new report for the open durational services
Non-Federal Activity - Participant Contact 11/19/2020

NEW--Created new report for the 'Non-Federal Activity' TouchPoint

Program Enrollment Report - Demographic and Veteran Details


Added new columns--Eligibility Veteran Status and Veteran Verification
Data Entry Issue - Basic Services Late Entry 9/29/2020

*Moved here from the ‘Temporary Reports’ category

*Added initial prompt to run by WDC and start/end date range; added new columns--Service Recorded By, Service Last Updated By, and Service Recorded on Behalf Of; moved reports from 'Temporary' category to 'Operational' category; opened Basic Service version up to all WDAs and not just Columbia Basin
Data Entry Issue - Individualized/Training Services Late Entry 9/29/2020

*Moved here from the ‘Temporary Reports’ category

*Added initial prompt to run by WDC and start/end date range; added new columns--Service Recorded By, Service Last Updated By, and Service Recorded on Behalf Of; moved reports from 'Temporary' category to 'Operational' category

Outreach Reports

Report Date Change(s)
Ex-Offender With or Without A Basic Service or ITSS Optimized 12/16/2020 Deleted report
Outreach Offenders By County 12/16/2020 Deleted report
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender PESvcTP 12/16/2020 Deleted Report
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender X 12/16/2020 Deleted Report
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender 12/16/2020 Moved to NEW Re-Entry Reports category; removed Ex-Offender from report name
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender 9/23/2020 Added new columns--Most recent service date, Most recent service provided, Program enrollment of service, Recorded by, Recorded on behalf of

Re-Entry Reports

Report Date Change(s)
Outreach Re-Entry Program Based on Audit Date 4/6/2021 Updated to add phone number
Outreach Re-Entry Program Based on Service Date 4/6/2021 Updated to add phone number
Outreach Re-Entry Program Based on Audit Date 2/24/2021 NEW--corrected report logic; displays data based on most recent 'audit' date
Outreach Re-Entry Program Based on Service Date 2/24/2021 NEW--corrected report logic; displays data based on most recent 'service' date
Outreach Reentry Program 2/24/2021 Deleted report; split into two separate versions
Re-Entry with Basic Services 2/24/2021 Corrected report logic for identifying offenders
Re-Entry with ITSS Services 2/24/2021 Corrected report logic for identifying offenders
Re-entry Program - Outcomes and Program Completion 1/11/2021 Deleted report (replaced with new version)
Outcomes and Program Completion for ReEntry 1/6/2021 Updated report logic, renamed and added desciption
Reentry Program - Ex-Offender 12/28/2020 Deleted report
Re-Entry with Basic Services 12/17/2020 NEW--Split out old report to display only Basic Services
Re-Entry with ITSS Services 12/17/2020 NEW--Split out old report to display only Basic Services
Outreach Offenders by County 12/16/2020 Deleted report
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender PESvcTP 12/16/2020 Deleted report
Outreach Reentry Program - Ex-Offender X 12/16/2020 Deleted report
Outreach Reentry Program 12/16/2020 Moved from Outreach Reports category to this NEW Re-Entry category
Reentry Program - Ex-Offender 12/16/2020 Moved from Outreach Reports category to this NEW Re-Entry category
Re-entry Program - Outcomes and Program Completion 12/16/2020 Moved from Outreach Reports category to this NEW Re-Entry category

Temporary Reports

Report Date Change(s)
Data Entry Issue - Program Enrollments With No Attached Services 2/4/2021 Deleted report as no longer used; per 1/20 T12 meeting, staff use Case Management Report
WA-3332 Data Entry Issue - Program Enrollments With No Attached Services 2/4/2021 Deleted report as no longer used; per 1/20 T12 meeting, staff use Case Management Report
QA Report: TAA Waiver responses missing Associated Determinations 1/26/2021 Deleted report; made Associated Determination field on TAA Waiver TP a required field
Data Entry Issue - Basic Services Late Entry 9/29/2020 Moved to the ‘Operational Reports’ category
Data Entry Issue - Individualized/Training Services Late Entry 9/29/2020 Moved to the ‘Operational Reports’ category

TouchPoint Reports

Report Date Change(s)

Trade Assistance Act

Report Date Change(s)
Batch Payment Review 4/27/2022 Added start/end date initial prompts; added participant name and opt-out columns to report.
TAA Determination Letter 12/30/2021 Deleted: duplicate of dashboard version
TAA Entitlement Letter 12/30/2021 Deleted: duplicate of dashboard version
Training Waivers 3/23/2021 Corrected bad report logic for various date columns
Petition Activity 3/23/2021 Corrected bad report logic; removed all WorkSource Offices since all data reported under Administrative
Training Waivers 2/9/2021 NEW--reworked old version of report and added/changed/removed columns
Waiver Report 2/9/2021 Deleted report; replaced w/new version
Obligations and Acitivites Report 1/28/2021 Added report description
Determination without Services 1/21/2021 Corrected bad report logic for TAA and TRA columns
Obligation/DeObligation Report 1/20/2021 NEW obligation/deobligation report
Obligations Audit 1/7/2021 Deleted report
Obligations and De-obligations 1/4/2021 Deleted report
Employer Petition List 12/16/2020 Added an initial prompt for Start Date, which is based on when the TAA Petition Tracking Employer TP was taken; removed a couple of columns
Petition Activity 12/10/2020 Relabeled column headings; rebuilt to fix the logic on how the report populates
Determination without Services 11/23/2020 Added Entitlement Type column
Obligations and Activities Report 11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘Finance and Obligations’ category
Obligations with Section Balances 11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘Finance and Obligations’ category
Payment Batch Cover Page Full Version WA-3671 11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘Finance and Obligations’ category

UI Claimant/RESEA

Report Date Change(s)
RESEA Action Plan Follow-up – Printable 3/7/2022 NEW-printable copy of RESEA action plan follow-up TP
RESEA Action Plan Initial – Printable 3/7/2022 NEW-printable copy of RESEA action plan initial TP
RESEA Draft TouchPoints 1/20/2022 NEW; report to display when either the RESEA Required Elements Initial or RESEA Action Plan Initial TouchPoints are in still in 'Draft' status
RESEA Seekers Served Counts NEW 2/4/2021 Corrected report logic to remove #MULTI-VALUE issue
RESEA Seekers Served Counts ONLY 2/4/2021 Corrected report logic to remove #MULTI-VALUE issue
RESEA Seekers Served 2/4/2021 Corrected report logic to remove #MULTI-VALUE issue
RESEA Seekers Served Counts NEW 11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘Uncategorized’ category
RESEA Seekers Served NEW 11/9/2020 Moved here from the ‘Uncategorized’ category; deleted report as duplicate of another report
Generate Letter Batches - Admin - Auto Filled Events 9/23/2020

Moved here from the ‘Mass Scheduling’ category

Generate Letter Batches - Local Office - Auto Filled Events 9/23/2020

Moved here from the ‘Mass Scheduling’ category

Generate Letter Batches - Local Office - Auto Filled Events March 2018 9/23/2020 Moved here from the ‘Mass Scheduling’ category
Generate Letter Batches (Auburn-North Seattle-Rainier-Redmond-Renton) 9/23/2020 Moved here from the ‘Mass Scheduling’ category
RESEACallINS 7/15/2020

Deleted report

RESEACallINSREschedules 7/15/2020

Deleted report


Report Date Change(s)
Outreach through UI 9/27/2021 Modified report logic to only pull those with UI claim
DVOP Services 5/3/2021 Found setting that wasn't correct for displaying 'Is Veteran per profile' data correctly when Staff role runs report; also fixed irregularity for accurately reporting individualized career services.
Spouse Program Eligibility Screening Questions 2/23/2021 NEW--split spouse questions into separate report
Veteran Program Eligibility Screening Questions 2/23/2021 Updated to remove spouse questions and added them to new report

DVOP Services

1/12/2021 Fixed inconsistent report logic

Veteran Program Eligibility Screening Questions

7/22/2020 Added several new columns; moved columns; deleted columns; relabeled column headers



Fixed formatting issues

Outreach through UI 6/21/2020 Changed initial WDA and start date prompts; added new columns; relabeled column headers; changed report name
HVRP Job Seekers 6/20/2020

Changed initial prompts and filters; added several new columns; changed report name

DVOP Services 6/16/2020 Added new columns—Staff and Program; relabeled a few column headers and labels

Veteran Case Management

6/10/2020 Removed ‘Link to Seeker Dashboard’ column; changed report name


Report Date Change(s)

MSFW Outreach List widget (on staff dashboard)

11/24/2020 Updated to reorder questions; added new columns; and renamed

*Moved 2 RESEA reports (RESEA Seekers Served Counts NEW and RESEA Seekers Served NEW) to the ‘UI Claimant/RESEA’ category

*Eventually will delete ‘Uncategorized’ category
My Reports category 11/9/2020

*Moved ‘Business Services’ to Employer & Job Postings Report category

*Deleted category from menu
Finance and Obligations category 11/9/2020

*Moved 3 TAA reports (Obligations and Activities Report, Obligations with Section Balances, and Payment Batch Cover Page Full Version WA-3671) to the ‘Trade Assistance Act’ category

*Deleted category from menu
Mass Scheduling 9/23/2020

*Moved 4 ‘Generate Letter Batches’ reports to the ‘UI Claimant/RESEA’ category

*Deleted several old test reports

*Deleted category from menu